Monday, December 21, 2020

What Endodontists Want You To Know About Cracked Teeth

The specialists at the endodontics office in Plano of Ayik + Berto Endodontics, formerly known as Field Endodontics, are experts when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of cracked teeth. The following is some “need-to-know” information on the subject that we want current and prospective patients to be aware of:

Cracked teeth can result from a number causes including chewing on hard candy, ice, or nuts; chronic tooth grinding; exposure to temperature extremes; getting hit in the mouth; or losing an extensive portion of the natural tooth’s structure

There are several ways that a tooth can get cracked and require the endodontic care and treatment provided by Ayik + Berto Endodontics, formerly known as Field Endodontics at our endodontics office in Plano including:

•    “craze lines” that affect the cosmetic appearance of the enamel
•    fractured cusps which affect the tooth’s biting surface
•    fractures that may or may not extend to the root
•    vertical root fractures that extend upwards from the tooth root to the biting surface

When it comes to cracked teeth, early diagnosis is critical.  So, if you suspect that you have a cracked tooth, do notprocrastinate, and contact our endodontics office in Plano to schedule an appointment with a specialist. Unlike the bones in your body, a broken or cracked tooth will not heal. A small crack will only get worse and once it reaches the pulp it will jeopardize the survival of the tooth.

If you believe you may have cracked one of your teeth and want to do something about it, we encourage you to contact Ayik + Berto Endodontics, formerly known as Field Endodontics,to schedule an appointment with a specialist today. To read more Click Here

Monday, November 30, 2020

Best Endodontist in Plano - Field Endodontics (972) 449-9907


Field Endodontics
2845 Parkwood Blvd STE 300
Plano, TX 75093
(972) 449-9907

Best Root Canal Dentist Plano - Field Endodontics (972) 449-9907

Field Endodontics
2845 Parkwood Blvd STE 300
Plano, TX 75093
(972) 449-9907

Best Endodontist Plano - Field Endodontics (972) 449-9907


Field Endodontics
2845 Parkwood Blvd STE 300
Plano, TX 75093
(972) 449-9907

Best Endodontics Plano - Field Endodontics (972) 449-9907

Field Endodontics
2845 Parkwood Blvd STE 300
Plano, TX 75093
(972) 449-9907

Endodontists Plano - Field Endodontics (972) 449-9907


Field Endodontics
2845 Parkwood Blvd STE 300
Plano, TX 75093
(972) 449-9907

What Endodontists Want You To Know About Cracked Teeth

The specialists at the endodontics office in Plano of Ayik + Berto Endodontics, formerly known as Field Endodontics, are experts when it com...